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Table 2 Serum and CSF NFL and GFAP levels

From: Serum and cerebrospinal fluid neurofilament light chain and glial fibrillary acid protein levels in early and advanced stages of cerebral amyloid Angiopathy


Presymptomatic D-CAA

n = 28

Symptomatic D-CAA

n = 29

Sporadic CAA

n = 59

Controls <55 y

n = 33

Controls ≥55 y

n = 38

Serum NFL (pg/mL)a

6.72 (3.28 - 49.50)

26.20 (4.61 - 123.43)

25.56 (7.39 - 159.74)

7.78 (1.88 - 97.97)

12.46 (6.28 - 83.59)

CSF NFL*102 (pg/mL)b

4.34 (2.30 - 11.54)

16.80 (6.06 - 79.23)

20.00 (7.36 - 95.79)

3.63 (2.14 - 11.47)

7.76 (3.76 - 15.72)

Serum GFAP (pg/mL)c

66.03 (20.16 - 150.46)

130.75 (51.21 - 358.70)

177.89 (51.18 - 436.01)

60.75 (14.45 - 218.84)

123.37 (38.82 - 320.52)

CSF GFAP*103 (pg/mL)d

7.69 (3.46 - 11.03)

11.41 (5.87 - 26.50)

10.93 (3.48 - 32.01)

4.44 (0.77 - 7.98)

7.51 (1.19 - 14.99)

  1. aPresymptomatic participants with D-CAA n=28, symptomatic participants with D-CAA n=28, sCAA participants n=56, controls <55 n=29, controls ≥55 n=37
  2. bPresymptomatic participants with D-CAA n=10, symptomatic participants with D-CAA n=12, sCAA participants n=28, controls <55 n=31, controls ≥55 n=18
  3. cPresymptomatic participants with D-CAA n=25, symptomatic participants with D-CAA n=26, sCAA participants n=51, controls <55 n=31, controls ≥55 n=34
  4. dPresymptomatic participants with D-CAA n=11, symptomatic participants with D-CAA n=12, sCAA participants n=28, controls <55 n=32, controls ≥55 n=20
  5. Abbreviations: CAA cerebral amyloid angiopathy, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, NFL neurofilament light chain, D-CAA Dutch Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, GFAP glial fibrillary acidic protein, y years